Kongguksu 콩국수

Kongguksu (콩국수) adalah masakan Korea yang terdiri dari mie kuah kacang kedelai dingin. Kuah kacang kedelai terbuat dari kedelai putih yang dihaluskan dan memiliki ciri khas rasa yang manis dan kandungan protein yang tinggi. Biasanya Kongguksu dinikmati orang Korea di musim panas. (Wikipedia)

Kongguksu (Soy Milk Noodle Soup)
Source: Maangchi
Ingredients (2 servings):
  • 1 cup of dried soybeans, soaked in cold water overnight
  • 2 tbs mixed nuts
  • 1 teaspoons of toasted sesame seeds
  • ½ pound (8 ounces: 226 grams) of somyeon (thin noodles)

  • 2 ts salt
  • water and ice cubes
  • ½ cup cucumber strips and tomato for garnish
  1. Drain the soybeans you soaked overnight and put them in a pot with 2 cups of water.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium high heat for 15 minutes. If it boils over, keep the lid off.
  3. Rinse the cooked soybeans in cold water. Drain and put into a large bowl.
  4. Scrub them with your hands to remove the skins. Then fill the bowl with cold water and the skins will float to the top. Tilt the bowl and pour out the skins and water, leaving the beans behind.
  5. Scrub the soybeans some more. Add more water, drain, and remove the skins several times until all the skins are removed.
  6. Put 1 cup of the cleaned soybeans into your blender, and put the rest into the freezer for future use. Add the mixed nuts, roasted sesame seeds, salt, and 2½ cups of cold purified water to the blender and blend for 2 minutes until everything is creamy. Put it into the fridge.
  7. Boil water in a large pot and add the noodles. Stir with a wooden spoon. Close the lid and cook for a few minutes. The noodles will float when they’re done.
  8. Take a sample noodle and taste it. When you don’t feel anything hard inside when you chew it, they’re done.
  9. Rinse and drain the noodles in cold water a couple of times.
  10. Put some noodles into a serving bowl and pour the soybean broth over them. Garnish with tomato and cucumber strips, and add some ice cubes if you want.

1 cup of dried soybeans will swell to about 2¼ cups when they’re soaked for 12 hours, and this will make enough broth for 2 servings. 1 cup of soybeans could make 5-6 servings’ worth of broth.

Good Luck!

Puspa Lystiani

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