If I could give you diamonds for each tear you cried for me. If I could give you sapphires for each truth you’ve helped me see. If I...

This is for you, my best friend, the one person i can tell my soul too Who can relate to me like no other Who I can laugh with to n...

"True friends are the people who brighten your smile everytime your with them...

it takes a crane to build a crane it takes two floors to make a storie it takes an egg to make a hen it takes a hen to make an egg ...

Photo taken at Auditorium FIB UA by Muis :D Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, cerita ini berawal dari perpisahan hingga akhirnya ku temukan sua...

1. Lulus S1 dengan IPK lebih dari 3 2. Lulus S1 dan Profesi Apoteker 3. Punya pabrik obat 4. Buka Apotek di Wonosari, Gunung Kidul ...

It really doesn’t make sense Even when I’m eating or falling asleep, I keep thinking about you like crazy All the time I keep hat...

My cold heart...suddenly a little bit seems melted when you come to me. And the secretly you filled my heart. From one day, at the way ba...